About us
New technologies inspired
by our clients and society
FUJICO strives to develop unique technologies that are unique in japan and around the world. The starting point for all of our technological developments lies in finding solutions for challenges facing people, companies and society as a whole. Our innovative repair technology of the cast iron mold for steel ingot, the cornerstone of FUJICO’s foundation, was associated with the reduction of CO2 emissions and conservation of resources long before they became part of the social landscape. We take pride in our ability to always look ahead and in fulfilling our commitment to society.
Hard facing production Business
We are supplying our original proprietary technology
to consumable parts for steelworks operations, and
Working to develop and promote new high-strength
products that can be used longer.
Steel Business
FUJICO, the ultimate partner for steel manufacturers
Continuing our journey with steel, a timeless
foundational material
Environment Business
Striving to deliver holistic solutions for safer and more
comfortable spaces using photocatalyst technology

Photocatalytic floor tiles
Provides peace of mind and comfort in hospitals, care facilities and other locations with concentrations of bacteria and viruses.

Air purifier
Extensive lineup of air purifiers designed for use in different environments.

Deodorant goods
Mini-air purifiers (no plug required)
Research and
Continuing to create milestone to the future
with our enduring venture spirit
FUJICO's challenge for research and development, initiated by mold repair technology,
has been based on SDGs mind since our foundation.
Our Technology Development Center with its leadership continues to drive innovation to the future.